Tuesday, July 14, 2015

CARTLY is connecting community store to the community people

CARTLY is bringing community stores to the same community for the

benefit of respective communities to enable source all their required

groceries at one particular store.  No doubt, one can pick up his

requirements from a number of Stores around us, but this leads to

inconvenience.  But Online shopping is mainly meant for convenience. 

One important reason for Community stores is to create a sense of

community identity and reflect their culture and flavor. They are often a

source of community pride and attraction. These community stores tend

to be located in humanly-scaled, pedestrian-oriented locations, but

doesn’t exist so in lot of cities/towns.  Though it is a critical component,

in order to ensure convenience of shopping,   Cartly   with its dedicated

app.   launching online shopping facility and enrolling community stores

on its platform improving access to all required items at one location.

In the early days of our migration to Canada from South Asia (India)

about 3 – 4 years way back we faced a very tough experience of

locating all South Asian community grocery items at one Store.  Of-

course, big chain Stores like Wallmart with high potential exists but they

do not cater and meet the requirements community wise.  Thus  with a

strong emphasis  Cartly is  registering  medium size Community Stores

on its platform  creating access to pick up all grocery items from a single

source making on line shopping a more and more convenient process

for the benefit of enjoying cultural feel.  Lot many Stores avoid

maintaining non-veg. inventories on their Stores as a major chunk of

veggies do not prefer to visit non-veg. stores to pick up their needs. 

These types of Stores are making non-veggies to find out and move

around for more than a single Stores to pick their all grocery items at

one go.  Bringing Community Stores on Cartly’s platform who maintains

non-veg inventories with high hygienic conditions in separate aisles

provides opportunities to non-veggies of the community to source all

grocery items of their baskets from a single Stores making online

shopping convenient.